My 2 month flexible dieting diary: Week 1 –

My 2 month flexible dieting diary: Week 1

fit for life

Hey guys, here’s a diary of my food intake for the week. Thought I’d share this to show you guys what I ate my first week. I know some people won’t agree with the things I ate, and I’m not saying by any means that you need to eat as I do or that this is some kind of a guide. Not at all. This is simply me keeping a diary and sharing it. And hopefully encouraging you in some way along the way.

So my target caloric intake a day is 1500 calories putting me at about a 250 caloric deficit and will hopefully help me in losing the 8-10 pounds by May 1st (2 months exactly). I’m sure I will start to plateau soon and will have to cut my calories down to possibly 1300 toward the end. We’ll see. Just taking it 1 day at a time. I also didn’t input things like my water intake, vitamins, and calories burned from workouts since its already accounted for, for the average amount burned in a 3 day workout week. Also added some quick photos from a video Mr. J. took on squat day (excuse the mess and unclean mirrors! Yikes!). A little Motivation Monday if you feel like skipping squat day this week! I think we all feel that way sometimes, right?! I know I do!


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Day 1:
Hey guys, so it’s only the first day but to me the first day defines the whole 2 months so I made sure to dig right into tracking everything I ate and doing my best to meet all my macros (proteins, fats and carbs). Today was a good first day. It looks like I went a little over on fats and protein but not too worried about it. I just started so I’m still adjusting. If  you’re just starting out, no biggie if you go over a little or you don’t quite hit all your macros. It takes a little time to get in the swing of things, but it does get easier. I’m saying this not to just encourage you, but also to remind myself of these things.

Also, chest and triceps day was yesterday, so that probably helped me in not having too big of an appetite since there wasn’t very much cardio involved like squat and deadlift day where it’s a whole body workout. So yeah, today was rest day for me. We also said goodbye to my oldeset bro going back to Hawaii over dinner at Papa and Mama’s house and let me tell you, we eat good at their house. It was a crab, salmon sashimi, and tri tip steak kind of night. I definitely enjoyed myself, just had to cut back on my portions of course. Great way to start this cut right?! Oh, and did I mention Mr. J is doing this cut with me?! Well I’m thankful for that cause as the weeks pass, it will be nice having each others support.

Anyway, here was my log for todays eats on MyFitnessPal:




















Day 2:

Hello friends, looks like today was another good day. I didn’t deny myself of enjoying little things here and there . I had a madeline cookie with my tea before lunch. I had a Kutsinta, which is one of my favorite Filipino deserts. It was so yummy! Of course my appetite was still not very big again as yesterday was rest day so I was 199 calories below my goal. Score. Don’t worry, I got my macros in! Remember, I’m not looking for perfection, just as close as I can get. Oh, and I never go below 1200 calories just fyi.

My workout for the day was deadlifts and a little back. But I was so exhausted from the deads that I kept it to a minimum. I hit a major PR today that got me really excited. It was 225 on deads for 4. Eek!! Exciting right?! Anyway here was my meals for the day:




















Day 3:

Hey, so today was a beautiful and warm day. I gained a little more of an appetite today but not too bad. It was a similar day to yesterday and I remained 96 calories under. Whew, that was close. Haha. But I expected to eat most, if not all my calories today with a big workout like last nights. Totally needed the refuel. Anyway, the workout for the day was back and shoulders. I know I did a little yesterday, but it was light weight as I was super exhausted from my deads. So today was a heavy load on back and shoulders. Hit another PR with my shoulders so that was cool. I know as time passes I won’t be hitting too many PRs but that’s ok. Anyway, here’s my eats for the day:




















Day 4:

Hi yall! So today was a little interesting. I actually was super hungry and had a large appetite today. Which makes a lot of sense cause I hit some major PR’s the past 2 days. But it still doesn’t make me feel any better about consuming 500 calories in the first few hours of my day! LOL. If you do heavy lifting, I think you can relate! But, sure enough the crazy hunger died down a little. But, I did still have some spaghetti for lunch and a slice of pizza to celebrate my nephews 8th birthday. Could not say no to that, nor did I need to as I ended the day with 219 calories remaining. Not too shabby right?? Especially after eating some high calorie items. Portion control saved the day today. Also today was a rest day so that was nice. All in all, it ended pretty good , even though at the start of the day it wasn’t looking too bright! Anyway here was my meal break downs for the day:





















Day 5:
Well, today, unlike the other days, was rough, food wise. I just wanted to eat everything. LOL! I saw one of my kids eating a corn dog, and of course after already having a high calorie lunch, still managed to eat the other half of the uneaten corn dog. Was it worth it, maybe not on paper, but my tummy was happy! But, even still, I should have passed on this.
So the day got even worse when I decided to celebrate with my sister as she just finished her 2 month weight loss challenge losing 17 lbs, I am so proud of her but, I probably didn’t need to eat the taco bell griller with all the other high calorie treats I had today. But, I did and by 330pm I had eaten all my calories with only about 50 left. I decided I would only eat if I was really hungry. As the day went by, I got a little hungry around 8 but after waiting it out for 20 minutes, I realized I wasn’t actually hungry but more of just bored. I ended the day having nothing else but another 6 cups of water. It’s crazy that I didn’t eat for the whole rest of the day (not advised, btw). But, wow it shows all that food did sustain me. Looks like 1500 calories is more than enough for a days worth. Haha. I planned on doing squats tonight but it looks like I gotta wait til the morning after all. Anyway, here’s my fail on paper on my fitness pal:



















Day 6:

Today was a pretty good day. I ate well, had my fair share of some high calorie meals while I was out and about but did pretty good with portions keeping my calories below and not much snacking. I also did squats tonight. And guess what? I hit another PR doing 170lbs.x5. Squats is not my strong suit, so this was a big deal for me. Don’t think I’ll be hitting much more PR’s as time passes in these 2 months though. So this was nice! Here was my food diary for the day:





















Day 7:

Here we are on the final day of the week. It was not fun springing forward. Esp since I had to make it to church extra early to serve in our children’s Sunday School, but we made it and the day was beautiful! Can’t complain, right?! Today was also rest day. Here’s todays eats:





















Didn’t meet some of my needs and definitely went over on a lot, specifically on fats. There was a lot to celebrate this week. But I know that’s not an excuse. So, tomorrow is a new day! I will be working on that. Sometimes, as a perfectionist, this can really hurt us and our confidence, right? Thinking we just can’t do this and might as well give up. Not the case! The fact that we would even strive to meet a goal, whether we meet it or not, is a gain!!

Well here’s how my first week went. Looking forward to another week of getting better at practicing a little better self control. In my case, it looked like portion control was the deal breaker, messing me up at times. All in all, I started the week weighing in at 125 lbs. and ending it at 123. So in total, losing 2 lbs.  Anyway, have a great week friends!!

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